XIQS Get Vsp Timeline List

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XIQS Get VSP Timeline List - VSP Events Management

getXIQSVspTimelineList ( Integer deviceId, Integer devicePort, Long timeStamp [, Long id_partition ] )
Get a list of all VSP (Virtual Sim Proxy) timeline entries for a given device/port and time. This function will return all timeline strings generated 24 hours after given timestamp.

Integer deviceId


Integer devicePort

Device Port

Long timeStamp

Unix timestamp for which timeline is requested. 

[ Long id_partition ]

Partition Id, optional if logged user is administrator
Return Values
List List of VSP Events
Long id - Timeline Id

Long devid - Device Id

Long devport - Device port

Long rotid - Rotation Id, reference from rotationLog

Long timelinedate - Timeline timestamp

String eventdate - Date and time of device, string sent by device

Long starttimeline - Timeline start timestamp

String timeline - Device timeline string
Meaning of the each letter in the timeline string:
- 'B' : LOWSPEED, Device operational with Bandwidth limitation
- 'C' : CONNECTION, Waiting for the Virtual Sim from SIM Manager
- 'F' : FALLBACK, VSIM Still active, fallback to M1
- 'I' : IDLE, Device Idle, M1 and M2 down (after several retries)
- 'L' : LOCAL, User local simcard detected
- 'M' : M1, Waiting M1 registration
- 'N' : NETWORK, Waiting for Data Ready
- 'O' : OFF, Device Stopped
- 'P' : PASS, Waiting Pass validation
- 'R' : REGISTERED, Device fully operational
- 'S' : SWITCH, Waiting to switch M1 to M2 for ISM route, Data working (Ping answer)
- 'T' : Timeline UTC start time, always present as the first timeline marker.
- 'V' : VSIM, Waiting for SIM ready to start M2

Debug Timeline Errors
- 'd' : No data registration
- 'e' : Ping not working, no data packet exchange
- 'i' : Can't connect to ISM
- 'm' : M1 failure
- 'n' : No registration
- 'p' : Port is deactivated
- 'r' : Can't get VSIM ready (SR dump)
- 's' : No Sim available
- 't' : Communication error with physical sim in SR
- 'v' : No VSIM allocation
- 'b' : buffer size exceeded, missing states
- 'c' : No more credit for current pass
- 'o' : Pass limit date reached

String serial - Device serial

Long startrot - Start SIM rotation timestamp

Long stoprot - Stop SIM rotation timestamp

Long id_partition - Partition Id

Error Data structure ( Error Management )

Possible failure code returns
See Also


Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List